Are you struggling to find the perfect gift idea for an awesome guy in your life?
I don’t know about you, but shopping for men is actually really hard. They don’t tell you what they want and usually, they’re pretty easy-going. Which is awesome for most of the year, but when it’s time to give them a gift, it makes it a challenge.
A DIY gift basket idea for him is always the perfect solution and one of my go-to gift ideas whether it be in an actual basket, a stocking or a themed container. Gift basket ideas are inexpensive, easy, and make the perfect personalized and last-minute gift idea.
Whether you need a special gift for Father’s Day or a gift for a birthday or Christmas, one of these 9 gift basket ideas for men will work perfectly for you!
Whether he is a sports fan, loves to fish, barbecue, drink beer, loves the outdoors or whatever his hobbies may be, it’s easy to turn it into a gift basket for his birthday, Father’s Day or an anniversary.
DIY Sports Gift Basket
Most guys love sports, so whether it’s football, golf, basketball, tennis or running, it’s easy to take his favorite sport and turn it into a sports gift basket.
What I love about this particular basket idea, is you can take an inexpensive dollar store container and change the sport based on how you decorate the container with red Duct tape.
Basket Ideas:
you can add sports tickets if you want to splurge, replacement golf balls and tees, special Nike socks, a gift card, his favorite beer he likes to drink when he’s playing his favorite sport, themed ornaments, a funny sports shirt or cool hat.
Image Credit: Hoosier Homemade
DIY Athlete Gift Basket
A great idea for the male athlete in your life, whether his favorite past time is lifting weights at the gym, running, CrossFit or working out at home, is an athlete gift basket idea for him.
Basket Ideas:
Muscle building powder, protein bars, water bottle, sweat towel, Gatorade, whistle, cones, agility ladder, fitness book, T-shirt, running socks, foam muscle roller, muscle T, stopwatch, headband, or a Fitbit.
Photo Credit: Pass the Cereal
DIY BBQ Gift Basket
What is it about men and their grills? Some men definitely love to cook, but many men seem to shun the indoor cooking and prefer the grill master task outdoors over a flame. Either way, don’t you love it when they cook??
Basket Ideas:
Special salts of the world, meat claws, grilling tools, BBQ cookbook, sauces, wood grilling planks, a manly apron, or a portable travel grill.
We purchased specialty salts and the meat claws for my husband this past year, he LOVES them! They both make the perfect inexpensive gift for dad’s who love to grill and you’re looking for something unique.
Photo Credit: Lark & Linen
Here’s another grill gift basket idea for dad!
Photo Source: A Girl in Paradise
DIY Camping Gift Basket
I love this gift basket idea because it’s easy to make variations. If you love to go camping, this can be a small travel firepit, Yeti cooler or a new camp stove filled with small camping supplies.
This also makes the perfect summer backyard gift and can even be a larger firepit filled with smores supplies, tools for open fire backyard cooking.
Photo Credit: Best Bundles
DIY Special Spirits Basket
Unless he doesn’t drink it all, most males would appreciate an alcohol-themed gift basket. Assuming the gift giver is an adult of course.
Whether it be filled with his favorite six-pack and snacks, specialty beers from around the world or local brews, wines from a certain year or destination, or maybe all of the ingredients to make his special drink, you have lots of options. This is an easy gift basket to make casual or sophisticated.
Image Credit: Lisa Gonzalez
DIY Gardening Gift Basket
If dad loves to garden, grow vegetables, or take care of his yard, this adorable DIY gardening gift basket idea would be perfect!
Even if he already has some of these supplies, hoses, spray nozzles and gloves get worn, and duplicates of nice tools are great to have. Or sometimes, it’s nicer to give higher quality upgrades as a gift they wouldn’t otherwise buy for themselves.
The image was floating around Pinterest and I couldn’t track down the original creator of this amazing gardening basket. However, here’s a tutorial on making a gift basket from a garden hose.
Basket Ideas: garden hose, work gloves, seed packets, pots, plants, garden tools, hose spray nozzle, plant marking sticks
DIY Handiman Gift Basket
Image source: Home Depot
DIY Lottery Gift Idea
I’m literally putting something similar to this for my husband. He’s obsessed with picking up lottery tickets, so why not turn it into an easy gift idea?
Who knows? Maybe he’ll even win something! 😉
The photo source didn’t include a tutorial, but we’ve made this same project with candy bars before and it’d be a similar process.
You just need:
a vase, green florist styrofoam, Lottery tickets, wooden grilling skewers, tape
Image credit:
DIY Fishing Gift Basket
Whether he’s an avid fisherman or wants to start, creating a “day on the lake” basket will surely be appreciated! You can use either a simple plastic tote, a fishing tackle box he’ll reuse for supplies, or a vintage-inspired fishing basket.
Image Credit: Pinterest
We would love to hear about your DIY gift basket ideas for Father’s Day! Finding the perfect gift for dad is easy with a quick and simple gift basket idea.
Thank you so much for your clever gift basket ideas. It meant so much to me, especially that I am thinking of something to give to my Dad for his birthday. The DIY BBQ Gift Basket was the perfect touch. It will be brought light to his day. Last year, I gave him a grilling basket from, he appreciates it so much.