Thank you for your interest in working with Hairs Out of Place!
Are you looking for someone that enjoys writing about budgeting, home topics, self care or traveling?
As a mother-daughter duo with similar interests in living well on a budget, decorating, self care, and travel, we can easily reach and connect with women of all ages, particularly ages 18-55.
Our website mission to to teach others how to live a fabulous life at home and on the go, while on. budget.
From coming up with cute home decor and craft ideas, to healthy living, organization, or budget travel tips, we have plenty to share that will entertain your readers while learning about a variety of interesting content.
Here are a few subjects of particular interest we enjoy writing about:
- Frugal living
- Budget travel
- Paying off debt, credit card rewards, etc.
- Self care- including our favorite products, health or mental care
- Fun home decor, crafts and organization projects
- Green living
- Blogging
- Working From Home
If you’re interested in speaking further or would like to see our media kit, you can email us at
Hello & Happy Wednesday! Help! Where can I find the US Merino Wool? Do you happen to have a link?
Thank you tons
Many business owners get puzzled as their website isn’t performing well, while others’ are flourishing. That’s unfortunate, but not your fortune!
You can’t expect your website to increase your revenue with so many errors.
Now, I will show you the speed score of your website, number of broken links, pages that returned 4XX & 3XX status code upon request, images with no ALT text, pages without a unique meta description, having a too long title, etc., found in your website. Too many issues to worry about!
If this is something you are interested in, then allow me to send you a no obligation *Audit report.*
Best Regards,
Tony Taylor | Marketing Consultant
PS: I am not spamming. I had a quick review of your website, and believe I can help with your business promotion. If you still want us to not contact you, you can ignore this email or ask to remove and I will not contact again.
How can i find out how to print out your White Claws Halloween costumes for college girls. My daughter wouldlove to be that one. Its adorable
I hope you are doing very well. In my outreach campaign, I found your website through Google.
I am interested in a couple of posts on your website and I will pay you via PayPal / Payoneer for hosting my unique articles.
I have a team of US writers and I will provide you with high-quality content related to your website.
Please tell me how much do you charge per post?
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Best Regards.
Hello There,
My Name is Kamil i am the Advertising Manager For MaakandZak LTD, a company based in Australia, we specialize in household cleaning products. The reason for contacting your company is because we want to launch The M&Z “Electric spin scrubber” and we are looking for advertising agencies that can advertise our product to their audience for a fee of course, and we were hoping your company and mine can reach an agreement.
Please let us know if this is possible so we can discuss on the fees.
Thank You
my name’s Karen- I run a couple of small but growing food blogs.
I was browsing through your website, and was wondering if you accept guest posts?
I’d love to work with you and provide you with a well-written article on a topic that is relevant to your audience and something they will enjoy reading.
Food, recipes and writing about it is my passion. I’d be happy to suggest a few topics which could be a hit with your audience.
Any content will be completely open for you to edit.
Please let me know if you’d be interested.
Warm Regards
Karen Rutherford
Founder of
Hello 🙂
I hope you are doing fine 😊Thanks for the quality of, I really appreciated your latest content and I’d like to offer you guest posts for my client PokerStars this
What are the conditions for a sponsored article on your site ? 😊
Best regards,
Do you sell these gift baskets?
Hi Team,
Hope you are doing well!
I represent Flickstree, A video ad contenting platform and we are into performance marketing.
I am reaching out to you for a partnership wherein we need to place our Flickstree Brand Video/Banners on your website.
We can work on Fixed Buying or CPM basis.I would request you to please connect at below skype for a detailed discussion.
Skype ID: live:.cid.f363f8d2a3dd6ec2
Looking forward to a positive response.
Good afternoon i’m writing to you to see if there’s a possibility that you can tell me how much is the leis is of money
Hi, I’m interested in working together with your company. Are you open to partnerships?
Basically what we can do is get you featured on NBC, FOX, CBS affiliates and 100+ more media outlets.
It also means you can add “As Seen On: NBC, FOX, CBS” to your website as well – which has been proven to boost conversion rates up to 48%!
On top of that it has SEO benefits and drives free organic traffic to your site from the articles we publish about your brand.
If you’re interested in having your company featured, we can do it for just $297 (includes guaranteed publishing).
You can find out more on our website:
Or can you shoot me a quick email for a brief discussion!
Hope you’re doing today.
I am particularly fascinated to make contributions to a guest posting on your
web page
In case you are interested in this concept allow me know expected charges to post
a guest article with a link leading to our fashion site.
Note: On the off chance if you wish to offer more sites, kindly price them and send.
Allow me to know the way it sounds
With Regards”
I am just following up to check if you got some time to have a look at my
previous email.
I have noticed that you have a few opportunities for guest posting. I’m
interested in contributing paid content to your site
Content of the article will be related to your site and include a backlink to
our fashion site.
Could I have the rate for that kind of publication please?
In case you have more sites to offer, please send those as well along with
the prices.
Thanks for your reply.”
Great blog content suggestions on
I’m writing to follow up on my email. I didn’t hear back from anyone on
the team
I have a paid article proposal for your site/blog
Our article will be written pertinent to your site theme with a dofollow link
to our fashion site. We hope to deserve the offer, if so how much do you
charge for each guest post (Or) Blog post?
Note: On the off chance if you wish to offer more sites, kindly price them
and send.
Best Regards”
I Hope you are doing well today.
I recently came across your website and was hoping to collaborate with
your blog/site. We are excited to work with you.
I am especially interested in contributing a guest posting on your
If you are interested, kindly let me know how much you will charge to
publish a guest article with a link promoting our fashion website.
Note: On the off chance if you wish to offer more sites, kindly price them
and send.
Let me know how it sounds
With Regards”
Exclusive Offer: Earn Money by Accepting Our Guest Post
I’m passionate about exploring and writing any topic or subject that I write.
Is there still room for me to write some useful content on your site
If it is so,then I would appreciate the offer and add content with your site theme
and wish to have a backlink to fashion sites.
Please express your view and charges.
Important: If you have more site to offer please mention them with relevant
I have noticed that you have a few opportunities for guest posting. I’m
interested in contributing paid content to your site
Content of the article will be related to your site and include a backlink to our
fashion site.
Could I have the rate for that kind of publication please?
In case you have more sites to offer, please send those as well along with the
Thanks for your reply.”
I’m writing to follow up on my email. I didn’t hear back from anyone on
the team.
We would like to inquire about the possibility of advertising through a
hosted article on your website
The content of the article will be tailored to align with the theme of your site
and will feature a hyperlink leading to a fashion site.
The link should be placed as a do-follow link, and the article shouldn’t be
marked as sponsored.
Could you please provide us with the pricing information for this type of
Note: On the off chance if you wish to offer more sites, kindly price them
and send.
Looking forward to hearing back from you soon
Kind regards”
I just wanted to send a quick thank you for all of your creative DIY gift ideas! These are a life saver for the DIY’r like myself! Brilliant and adorable ideas! Great job!! Will be re-creating these for gifts I’ll be giving this Christmas and in the future! Following your Pinterest page now! 🙂